Friday, March 23, 2007

What do Nicole Richie & Jen have in common?

According to my favorite media outlet, Fernando & Greg In The Morning on Energy 92.7FM, Nicole Richie was recently diagnosed with hypoglycemia, a condition defined as an abnormally low level of sugar in the blood. Symptoms include hunger, nervousness, perspiration, shakiness, dizziness, light-headedness, sleepiness, confusion, difficulty speaking, and feeling anxious or weak. (Source: NIH) The effects can often be reversed by eating a high-protein meal or for immediate, temporary relief, soda or candy will work. Jen is also hypoglycemic. So please, if you see Jen weak, faint, or complaining she needs to eat, get some food into her!

OH oh... New dessert in the works! It's going up as a special today and will be added to menu as early as next Tuesday if everything goes well. I'll unveil it when it does...

1 comment:

troymccluresf said...

They're also at most two degrees away from me!